Business Principles

The Lookman Balogun's Way

The Lookman Balogun's Way

These 5 principles has been my guiding block, which I’ve used over the years to build and open extraordinary doors. If they’ve served me to this point and growing, then I strongly believe they can work for anybody.

1. Integrity Always: “Integrity is the choice between what’s convenient and what’s right.” – Tony dungy. During my career days at MTN Nigeria People wondered how I was able to rise to executive positions swiftly within a short period, while my skills got me the job but integrity though subtle was the driving force. Do what's right even when no one is watching make integrity one of your core value.

2. Honor People.: “The desire to win is born in most of us. The will to win is a matter of training. The manner of winning is a matter of respect.” – Margaret Thatcher. “Don’t forget to show Hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it.” – The Holy Book in Hebrews 13:2 (NLT) We all have dreams and hope we’ll one day fulfill them, unfortunately, 99% of people failed to realize that our effort alone cannot get us to where we want to be, however, there’s a proven ancient success-methodology, called the law of honor: which we’ve read in many books and materials, as also recorded in the Holy Book about how Father Abraham got (Isaac) the promise son because he entertained angels, I rose to executive position not because of my skills but because I honored people. Honoring people (old and small) will swiftly and effortlessly get you what you want and to that desired position. Treat others with courtesy and respect.

3. Share Knowledge: No nation is an island of its own, we learn by teaching others. Some think being the only one that knows this and that gives them an edge over other people - I choose to differ - even if it’s partially true, I was able to achieve so much at work because I shared my knowledge with colleagues, which enabled me to delegate so much work so I could focus on other high demanding managerial tasks. While what you know will give you an edge, don’t make your colleagues at work look inferior if you truly want to earn their respect, support and have a blissful career.

4. Be a Team Player: “One of you shall chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight.” – The Holy Book. “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller Teamwork doesn’t only get the job done faster- it also brings satisfaction. Be an effective team player to avoid burning yourself out. A tree can never make a forest.

5. Pursue Excellence: “Do you see a man who Excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men.” – King Solomon, (The Holy Book Proverbs 22:29) Anything you find your hands doing, do it with all your might, Make sure you put in all and be the best at whatever you do because anything worth doing at all is worth doing well, A skillful man will always be needed; I excelled in my career because my skills excelled, my skills was the first attribute that sold me out to my employees. You can’t be loaded and not be needed.